Sacred Sunday (Free)

Soul Nourishment & Healing Meditations w/ Daniela

🗣️ “WOW!  This was my first time attending Sacred Sunday.  I was so blown away by my meditative travel that I wanted to articulate it after class, and just couldn’t find the words.  I kept coming back to the word ‘Gracious’.  That lightness carried me throughout my whole day. Thank you .“ - Participant

🌹11am-12 EST Sacred Sunday Schedule ;

  • Introduction and Welcome (10 mins)

  • Purifying & Clearing through Forgiveness and Reconciliation - working with the 4 phrases of Ho’oponopono Mantra (7 mins)

  • ReConnecting & ReFuelling via I Am Meditation Practice (5 mins)

  • Abiding in the Sacred Heart Meditation (5 mins)

  • Integration (10 mins)

  • Optional Q&A/ Sharing/ Connection (15 mins)

  • * join with cameras on or off

🙋🏻‍♀️🌹 See you soon, Friends!

Please leave your first name and email here to receive the Zoom link:

Invitation from Daniela (8 mins)

From Daniela about Sacred Sunday…

🗣️ Leading Sacred Sunday is one of the greatest joys and honors in my life, and over the years, thousands have embarked or experienced this Healing Journey for themselves.

Sacred Sunday first started in the middle of winter, in December almost 7 years ago in a small room above our garage. I was Inspired from a series of dreams I had, that showed me the entire practice start to finish. It had been a person practice of mine, for the previous 5 years, and something more clearly wanted to happen.

About 10 people showed, at 8am that first Sunday morning, driving early through the frozen northeast streets and the cold dawn light.

Tears flowed for some, radiant smiles shined for others, as all of us welcomed the Direct Experience of Sacred Sunday, to move us inwardly where it was best for our Healing and Growth, that day.

It turns out, when any aspect of our life story remains unreconciled, whenever there remains a charge, around a person or an event within ourselves, it has to spill out into our current life to get our attention, because ‘Healing is Determined’.

For example, maybe you run into someone in the grocery store, that upon reflection, you notice there is a little charge around. It almost surprises you a little bit.

Well, we might act reactive because something in that scene reminded us of something prior in our lives.

We aren’t always conscious of this.

I really love that word ‘Re-Minded’, it reminds me something else that has happened that hasn't fully been reconciled within me yet. 

So, enter Sacred Sunday ☀️. It’s brilliant and sometimes both laughter and tears flow equally in a session, because the entire progression is a potent Direct Experience.

Leading Sacred Sunday is one of the greatest joys and honors in my life, and over the years, thousands have embarked or experienced this Healing Journey for themselves.

It’s one of the Keys for Healing that leads us anywhere from one step to a giant leap closer to being able to say ‘I do Love my Life’…

Weekly Great Energy Qigong Class Subscription

Great Energy Qigong™ - 9:30am - 10:30am EST
Movement, Meditation, Breathwork w/ Christopher

Christopher & Daniela have developed this contemporary and accessible form of Qigong over the past 5 years - incorporating effective and efficient methods of healing, exercise, meditation and subtle energy work from many traditions.

Great Energy Qigong™ is a playful, flowing, transformative practice that invites you to tap into your own body’s wisdom and the universal life force to feel terrific - all day long.

This healing practice of Qigong activates and moves your Qi, your vital life force, to clear, ground and uplift your energy.

This easeful and fun Qigong allows you to harmoniously merge with the blissful and powerful energy of the universe - in as few as 5 minutes!

This practice is for all abilities, no prior experience necessary. You can vary it and explore it seated. And if you're not feeling well, you can even do these practices when you're lying down.

Join our weekly ‘Qigong Class Membership’ - $12 / month or $98/yr (you can participate LIVE or REPLAY) - less than $2 / class for annual payment.

There is an optional Q&A that follows class you are welcome to stay for connection.

We send out the replays that you can download and keep for life of each class