When you have an InSight that you can’t ‘un-Hear’

I’d like to share about my latest podcast episode!

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This podcast episode centered on the practice of insight, reflection, and contemplation, likening it to polishing different facets of a multi-faceted jewel.

The session began by exploring the process of contemplation which involves pondering deep, probing questions, such as “What does my life stand for?” and “What does life want of me?”, comparing it to dropping a pebble in a river and tracing its descent through various centers of the body: the head, heart, and core centers, each offering different responses to the reflective questions.

There is a deep and insightful responses generated from this practice, often rising in the spaces between thoughts, helping you to listen to the Inner Guidance, guiding and informing your life authentically and truthfully, sometimes uncomfortably so.

Remember, we are here to dissolve our internal barriers to experience love as described by Rumi. This contemplative practice encourages you to transcend cyclical thinking, inviting you to delve deeper and work in spaces between thoughts.

I share a brief meditation and potent meditation practice, inviting attendees to notice the spaces between the thoughts, which are a potential pathway to unlock inherent wisdom.

It closes with a way to carry the practice into your daily life, and exploring “the space between” in various contexts, including in music, conversations, and even in natural settings. I encourage a fun, game-like approach to this podcast, nurturing a curiosity and reverence for the spaces between different elements in life, aiming to foster a deeper connection to the formless pure awareness of being, a space that could potentially be described as “love”.

All this in 14 minutes long….

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