For Heavy Hearts 💗

This Qigong class for a heavy heart begins with an explanation of how energy manifests differently in the mind, body, and heart, emphasizing the importance of flow to maintain emotional, physical, and mental health.

A key part of the practice is a heart-centered exercise involving hand movements to circulate Chi energy. This movement, which follows the natural flow of Chi in the heart, helps to unblock stagnant energy associated with emotional heaviness. The session then transitions into a moving meditation called "Embracing the Mountain," where participants shift their weight from their heels to their toes, symbolizing balance, stability, and openness to life's challenges.

The gentle, flowing motions allow participants to connect deeply with their breath, body, and the earth beneath them, fostering a sense of groundedness and emotional release. The benefits of this Qigong practice include emotional healing, the release of grief, sadness, and stress, and the cultivation of peace and contentment in the heart.

Christopher invites participants to integrate these practices into their daily lives, helping them cultivate resilience and balance during challenging times. The class ends with a reminder to stay connected to the present moment and to let the qualities of the mountain—timelessness, strength, and calm—fill their hearts.


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