The Power of Direct Experiences

Daniela reminds us eloquently that we are spiritual beings on a complex human journey. At the heart of her message is the notion of "clearing away" what we are not in order to abide in the recognition of our true selves. It's a journey of oscillations—sometimes we find ourselves identifying strongly with our roles and circumstances, while at other times, we are freer and more aligned with our spiritual essence.

Along this path, the most vital practice is truthfulness—to be in a sincere relationship with our own direct experiences. It's not about measuring our journey by someone else's milestones but about valuing our own unique insights.

Key Takeaways:

The journey of spiritual awakening is about "clearing away" what we are not and aligning with what we truly are—beyond roles, beyond personalities.

Truthfulness with our direct experiences is paramount. Rather than solely relying on external teachings, we should inquire whether such teachings resonate with our own lived experiences.

Be gentle with yourself, respecting the pace of your own evolution. As Daniela quotes Byron Katie, "may we never push ourselves ahead of our own growth and evolution."

Watch her 5 minute video here:

Emotional awareness is not to be bypassed; it's as vital as mental awareness in our multifaceted journey. Daniela invites us all to be tender with ourselves as we navigate the labyrinth of human experience, embracing every layer, every emotion, and every thought as integral components of our intricate spiritual journey.


The Spiritual Journey IS The Healing Journey


Your Entire Life is a Created Life